Senior Care: Food poisoning occurs when food is contaminated with pathogenic bacteria, parasites, viruses, or poisons.

Additionally referred to as foodborne sickness, it can manifest itself through various symptoms, the most prevalent of which are stomach pains, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and lack of appetite. Food poisoning may happen to seniors who have chronic conditions. Certain foods, particularly those that are incorrectly kept, prepared, or cooked, are more likely to induce food poisoning than others. Senior home care can help seniors avoid these foods and choose alternatives that may not cause as bad of reactions.


The following are the top six foods most likely to cause food poisoning.

#1 Poultry

Poultry served raw or undercooked, such as chicken, duck, or turkey, carries a significant risk of food illness. This is primarily due to the presence of two species of bacteria, Campylobacter and Salmonella, in these birds’ intestines and plumage. The good news is that while these pathogenic germs can survive on raw poultry, they are entirely destroyed when meat is thoroughly cooked.

To minimize your risk, ensure that poultry meat is completely cooked through, avoid washing raw meat, and keep raw meat away from tools, kitchen surfaces, chopping boards, and other items to avoid cross-contamination. Senior home care can help ensure that surfaces get cleaned thoroughly after raw meat has been near.

#2 Leafy Greens

Senior home care should always encourage seniors to eat vegetables, but they should be prepared correctly. Vegetables and leafy greens are frequently a source of food poisoning, much more so when consumed raw. Vegetables and leafy greens can harbor pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria.

This can occur at any point in the supply chain. To reduce your risk, always thoroughly wash salad leaves before eating. Avoid buying bags of salad mix that contain rotten, mushy leaves, and steer clear of pre-prepared salads that have been left at room temperature.

#3 Fish and Shellfish

Food poisoning is frequently caused by fish and shellfish. Fish that have not been preserved properly run a significant danger of becoming infected with histamine, a poison produced by bacteria in fish.

Normal cooking temperatures do not eliminate histamine, resulting in a kind of food poisoning called scombroid poisoning. Ciguatera fish poisoning is another type of food poisoning caused by infected fish (CFP). This is caused by a toxin known as ciguatoxin, which is prevalent in warm, tropical waters.

Shellfish purchased in a store are generally safe to consume. Shellfish captured in unmonitored regions, on the other hand, might be contaminated by sewage, stormwater drains, and septic tanks.

To minimize your risk, acquire store-bought seafood and keep it iced and refrigerated until you’re ready to cook. You or your Senior Home Care Provider can assure that the fish is thoroughly cooked no matter what. Senior home care should always cook the clams, mussels, and oysters until the shells open. Discard any shells that do not open.


If you or an aging loved-one is considering Senior Home Care in Acushnet, MA, please contact the caring staff at Cranberry Home Care today. 508-946-2200