We New Englanders live with wide seasonal changes. We prepare for extended periods of cold. Spring’s mild temperatures lead to long, muggy days when we welcome air conditioning! We pride ourselves on being ready for anything nature sends our way.

But are we? This article offers tips for helping your elder parent stay safe during our lovely summer days!

Safe Fun in the Sun!

Regardless of skin type, your parent can promote skin health by using ultraviolet ray (UV) protection. Steps include use of UV protective eyeglasses, and wearing a wide brimmed hat and loose clothing with ample coverage. It is wise to seek shade and avoid strong, direct sunrays from mid-morning to mid-to-late afternoon.

Staying hydrated and using sunscreen adds protection. These are important because our skin thins with age, allowing UV rays to be more deeply absorbed.

AARP suggests using sunscreen that:

  • Is SPF 30-50
  • Offers UVA and UVB ray protection
  • Is water-resistant with 80 minutes of protection

Consider testing the sunscreen on a small area of the forearm to assure compatibility with your parent’s skin. People with skin concerns are advised to consult with their physician about sunscreen recommendations.

How to Avoid Becoming Overheated

Summer outings can extend into the warmest parts of the day. Your elder mom or dad is more likely to be harmed by heat than someone younger because of physical changes that come with age.

Chronic illness and medications can also affect a person’s response to heat.

Steps to take to protect your parent on outings include:

  • Drinking water—and if on a fluid restriction, getting the doctor’s advice about how to adjust the amount during hot spells.
  • Avoiding outdoor time in the middle of the day.
  • Limiting any activity that is the least bit strenuous to the day’s cooler hours.
  • Using the National Weather Service’s Heat Index that shows temperature in relation to humidity. This guide indicates when to use caution. A day when the temperature is 86 degrees and the humidity is 60% is one of ‘extreme caution.’
  • Viewing the CDC’s Heat-Related Illnesses chart that lists signs and treatment of heat exhaustion, cramps, and stroke. Fainting, headache, nausea, and weakness are concerns that need immediate attention.

Periods of high or extended heat can cause indoor temperature extremes that also contribute to heat-related illnesses. Keeping your parents’ home cool is one step toward safety in hot weather. If their dwelling becomes too warm, consider a temporary move or methods to cool part of their space.

Ticks Can Spell Trouble!

New England is having an increase in the number of ticks each year! Unfortunately some tick bites result in illness. Ticks cling to grass, a passing dog’s fur, or our pant legs. Any time spent outside is best followed by ‘tick check!’ It’s made most easy by wearing light colored clothing. After clothes are checked and removed, it’s time to do a full body inspection, aided by a mirror or a helper.

The CDC shows that tick removal is best done by:

  • Using tweezers and pulling straight up with steady pressure.
  • Disposing of the tick by flushing in the toilet or immersing in alcohol.
  • Not touching it with your fingers.
  • Washing the bite area well with alcohol or soap and water, and then scrubbing your hands!
  • Calling your doctor or going to urgent care right away if it is embedded.

Even if you do not find a tick, routinely check your parent for rashes or areas of inflammation and call the doctor with any concerns, as ticks can bite and move on unnoticed.

Cranberry Home Care senior care professionals will offer you other tips that promote summer health and safety. We are a good resource for information about senior care. Be sure to plan a free senior care consultation to learn more about home care options and the ways these provide assurances for your family.


AARP. (2014). Healthy living: How to choose the best sunscreen for you. Retrieved from https://www.aarp.org/health/healthy-living/info-2014/how-to-choose-the-best-sunscreen.html
CDC. (2017). Heat and older adults. Retrieved from:
CDC. (2017). Tick removal and testing. Retrieved from: https://www.cdc.gov/lyme/removal/index.html
CDC. (2017). Warning signs and symptoms of heat-related illness. Retrieved from:
National Weather Service. (n.d.) NWS heat index. Retrieved from: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/heat/heat_index.shtml
Skin Cancer Foundation. (2015). The sun keeps rising: Why seniors can’t skip UV protection. Retrieved from https://www.skincancer.org/healthy-lifestyle/anti-aging/seniors