Personal Care at Home: Sometimes, older adults don’t want people to know they’re having a harder time at home and don’t realize that they may need personal care at home.

They don’t want their independence impacted, so they hide things. You might spot an overdue bill on your dad’s desk. He may have bruises that he’s trying to hide. He wants to stay in his home, and he’s afraid you’ll make him move if you know he’s struggling.

It’s a good time to sit down and talk to your dad about his goals as he ages and personal care at home. You may need to be blunt but do so in a kind manner. Don’t be the only person in the room. Bring in other family members that your dad trusts. These are the questions you need to address.

When Did You Last See Your Doctor?

Ask your dad if he’s been to the doctor recently. He may need to get his vaccinations updated, especially if he’s missing a current tetanus shot, the flu shot, or the two-part shingles series. His doctor may also recommend the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine to protect against pneumonia.

He may have tests he needs like a colonoscopy, blood work, etc. The doctor will take his blood pressure and pulse. It can take several appointments to catch up. Still, he’ll know if he has any underlying issues like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, or liver or kidney function problems.

Do You Have any Underlying Health Issues or a Family History of Chronic Diseases?

If your dad knows he has underlying health issues, it’s best to address them. It can lead to dietary changes, prescription medications, and the need to lose weight. From there, you’re able to work on a care plan he can follow at home with a caregiver‘s help.

Personal Care at Home: Can You Get Around the Home Well Enough?

Make sure your dad can get around his home. He may need to have grab bars installed near the toilet and inside and outside of the shower. If he has stairs, see if he’s able to walk up and down them without stumbling.

If his bedroom is on the top floor, he needs to go to bed and come down in the morning without a struggle. If the bathroom and bedroom are on separate floors, can he go up and down without falling in the dark? It may be time to move his bedroom to the downstairs.

Your dad may try to hide some of his limitations. Avoid being accusatory or snappy with him. Instead, be patient and help him work through his nervousness. Take small steps for personal care at home, and it helps him transition to home care and caregivers. Call a specialist to learn more about personal care at home.


If you or an aging loved-one is considering Personal Care at Home in North Dartmouth, MA, please contact the caring staff at Cranberry Home Care today. 508-946-2200