Caregiver Wellness & Tips

Is It Time to Consider Respite Care?


Serving as an in-home caregiver can be a very positive and rewarding experience. But it can also wear you down, especially when it seems like no matter how hard you try, their condition just keeps getting worse. If you’re not careful, fatigue, anxiety or even caregiver burnout, can occur, which will carry over into your personal and professional lives. Even the most dedicated caregivers sometimes need a break, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. How will you know when it’s time to consider respite care? Use these red flags to guide your decision.

Is It Time to Consider Respite Care?2023-09-21T09:39:18-04:00

5 Reasons to Stay Positive When Caring for an Elderly Family Member


Caring for an elderly family member who’s still aging in place at home is rewarding, but there will be days it’s stressful, and physically and emotionally draining. Your health and wellbeing as a caregiver are just as important as those of the senior you’re taking care of. Remaining positive on bad days is not easy, but doing so will benefit you and your loved one in the following ways.

5 Reasons to Stay Positive When Caring for an Elderly Family Member2023-09-21T09:41:41-04:00

5 Tips For Dealing With Long-Distance Caregiver Guilt


The challenge of caregiving is only compounded by the difficulty of trying to help our loved ones from a distance. The result is usually tainted by long-distance caregiver guilt that can leave one feeling both emotional and overwhelmed. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be a permanent reality. Finding options to help lessen your burden while also making sure your parents’ needs are being met is possible, if you’re open minded and flexible.

5 Tips For Dealing With Long-Distance Caregiver Guilt2023-09-22T16:13:33-04:00

The Ups and Downs of Being a Caregiver


Your mother is aging and now needs help with household and personal care. In recent years you’ve watched her resilience falter, along with her energy and memory. The two of you talked that this day would come, and now it’s here. When you had the conversation with your mom or dad, you learned about their plans and hopes for their later years. For some, a quick decline in health may mean that the conversation will now be with additional family members as you determine next steps. Caregivers’ Multiple Roles When you come right down to it, being a caregiver has multiple [...]

The Ups and Downs of Being a Caregiver2023-09-21T10:50:34-04:00

How to Ask for Help When You’re a Family Caregiver


When a family member is facing a serious illness, it is natural to think that you can do it all. Maybe you feel like you are the only person who knows what needs to be done and can do it right. Many caregivers have unrealistic expectations of themselves and how much they can give. They end up burning out and potentially damaging their own health and wellbeing. As the realities of daily caregiving start to add up, most people realize they need help. Yet asking for help is not easy. Sometimes the people that you want to ask (your siblings, adult [...]

How to Ask for Help When You’re a Family Caregiver2023-09-22T15:36:06-04:00
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