Aging in Place as a Family

Ways to Keep Your Aging Parents in Their Home


Home is where the heart is, or so the saying goes. When parents are aging, keeping the heart at home requires planning and often innovation! Today’s seniors fortunately have a variety of options for remaining at home. That may mean moving to a dream location or aging in a beloved home. Regardless of your parents’ choice, there are steps to take to promote comfort and safety throughout the coming years. Assessing Need and Selecting Options There are so many factors to consider as you begin to plan for keeping senior parents at home. If you live at a distance, this will [...]

Ways to Keep Your Aging Parents in Their Home2023-09-21T10:43:08-04:00

How to Prepare for “The Talk” About Senior Home Care


While growing up our parents were there to give us loving advice geared towards making smart decisions. Some of those conversations were difficult, and the choices hard. Now the roles are reversed, and you find yourself in the unenviable position of needing to discuss senior home care with your aging parents. You’ve noticed lately that mom and dad simply aren’t taking care of themselves and their household like they once did, and that they oftentimes seem tired. They love their independence and want to stay in their home, and you want that too. But you’re anticipating denial from your parents, and [...]

How to Prepare for “The Talk” About Senior Home Care2023-09-22T16:04:58-04:00

How Do I Know When It’s Time to Think About Senior Care?


As our parents grow older, we want them to enjoy as much freedom and independence as possible. But at some point we all face the stark reality that our aging parent simply can’t take care of themselves as they once did. If you ask them in a loving way about that fact, denial usually results. Quite honestly, it’s a challenge to accurately determine when your aging loved one has reached a time when they can’t comfortably live on their own without outside caregiver assistance. So how exactly will you know when they’ve reached that point? To answer that important question, [...]

How Do I Know When It’s Time to Think About Senior Care?2023-09-22T15:48:19-04:00
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